The 9 Best Gay Bars and Clubs in Chicago for Every Mood

The SoFo Tap Exterior with Bear and Gay Pride Flags

BY PETER SCHLESINGER, Condé Nast’s Travel+Leisure

JULY 29, 2017

The Windy City is a rising star on the LGBT traveler’s map, with a number of gay bars and clubs that rival anything you'd find in New York City — there’s even a bar-packed neighborhood called Boystown. And the nightlife extends well beyond the typical dance spots. Here are the best gay bars and clubs in Chicago, in Boystown and beyond.

For the Dog Lover: The SoFo Tap 

Away from the Boystown crowds, The SoFo Tap is a laid-back neighborhood bar where locals go any day of the week. Four-legged visitors are allowed on Saturday afternoons for an always-hilarious weekly dog party. It’s a great chance to meet the regulars (and their pups) while taking advantage of half-priced pints.

READ FULL ARTICLE on Travel+Leisure.


#ALWAYSANDERSONVILLE: THE PODCAST - The Story of The SoFo Tap and Meeting House Tavern